I just discovered this doctor online and he has some great explanations on vitamins. This one is on Quercetin, which is part of the FLCCC COVID-19 protocol.
Tag: Covid-19
Why Hype Merck’s Coronavirus Drug, But Dismiss Ivermectin?
“I ask those urging the Food and Drug Administration to rush molnupiravir through the approval process: why not also support using ivermectin to help patients right now?”
This is how government gets away with some whoppers, and with the media’s help
“It began with one sentence in a Mississippi health alert on reports to the state’s poison control center…”
Nebraska AG Rules to Allow Early Treatments with IVM and HCQ
The Attorney General of Nebraska recognizes that there has been MUCH misinformation against the use of off-label medicines such as Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. He states that doctors ARE allowed to prescribe Ivermectin and other off-label medicines without penalty! This is great news! Hopefully more states will follow!
Dr. Kory explains the Totality of Evidence for Ivermectin in Preventing and Treating COVID-19
If someone mentioned Ivermectin to you or if you are recommending Ivermectin to someone else, you need to know why. Please take the time and educate yourself!
The Anatomy of a Lie – Part 2: “Partial Truth”
I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of lies presented as partial truth. If you have to sell your point with lies using partial truth, I instantly flag it as deceit.
My Vaccine Mandate Experience with my Employer
As many of you are in the same situation as I, here is my experience thus far with regards to the vaccine mandate. From my Employer: Date: Fri 9/10/2021 2:43 PM From: XXX XXXXXX, XXXXXX CEO Subject: President’s comments regarding Vaccination XXXXXX, We are aware of the new vaccination plan that was outlined by the…
MUST WATCH: Dr. Peter McCullough: Full Lecture On COVID-19, Treatment, And Vaccines
I beg everyone to watch this now! Dr Peter McCullough speaks in front of a church in Michigan. Truth is great ammunition! https://rumble.com/vm3kvi-dr.-peter-mccullough-full-lecture-on-covid-19-treatment-and-vaccines.html More information on Dr. Peter McCullough: https://www.americaoutloud.com/author/dr-peter-mccullough/ Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, in academic medical practice in Dallas, Texas, USA. He maintains ABIM certification in internal medicine and…
The Anatomy of a Lie – Part 1: “Informational Flooding”
I don’t know about you, but I absolutely HATE being lied to. If something is based on a lie, I throw the whole thing out. We are being right out, straight faced lied to about Ivermectin for the purpose of promoting vaccination. And we know the source of all lies… John 8:44 Ye are of…
Dr. Dan Stock Addresses the Mt. Vernon, Indiana, School Board
You have to watch this!! Dr. Dan Stock Addresses the Mt. Vernon, Indiana, School Board
Pausing Posts on The Ivermectin Journal
I’m taking a pause from posting on the Ivermectin Journal. The debate is no longer about the usage of Ivermectin. Its merit is proven. Thank you for subscribing and reading this blog! Please keep spreading it around as it still contains much needed information for those that don’t have it! The discussion now is really…
Censorship and Misinformation: The Suppression of Good Science on Ivermectin
https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/Weekly_Update_SupressionofGoodScience:3?src=open https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/FLCCC-WEEKLYUPDATE-072121:f
Covid, Ivermectin and the Crime of the Century – Part 1
This is a must listen to! https://covid19criticalcare.com/videos-and-press/flccc-releases/covid-ivermectin-and-the-crime-of-the-century-podcast-with-dr-pierre-kory/ Covid, Ivermectin, and the Crime of the Century
New Evidence for Reducing COVID-19 Deaths Using Ivermectin just published by the American Journal of Therapeutics
More clear, scientific evidence on the effectiveness of Ivermectin.
JUST RELEASED: I-RECOVER Management Protocol for Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome
The Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome (LHCS) is an often debilitating syndrome characterized by a multitude of symptoms such as prolonged malaise, headaches, generalized fatigue, sleep difficulties, smell disorder, decreased appetite, painful joints, dyspnea, chest pain and cognitive dysfunction.
Dr. Ryan Cole talks about Vitamin-D, Ivermectin and the mRNA Vaccine
This is GREAT information from an experienced and reputable doctor!
A Florida man’s battle with Long Covid ended with Ivermectin
When Will the Mass Murder by Public Health Authorities and Health Care Providers Cease?
Despite the overwhelming evidence of two safe and effective cures for Covid, Big Pharma, public health bureaucrats such as Dr. Fauci, medical associations, hospital and corporate medical care organizatons, and the prestitutes have worked together to deny effective and safe treatment to Covid patients. Indeed, it is a fact that almost every Covid death is due to the denial of treatment by effective cures.