I’m passing this on, but have no experience with GoodRX, but this reputable Dr. tried it and was able to purchase Ivermectin for a fraction of the cost compared to his pharmacy. If you have any experience with using GoodRX, let me know! admin@theivermectinjournal.com This is a long video. The part about getting Ivermectin cheaper…
Tag: Covid-19
How Dr. David Chesler saves his nursing home residents from COVID-19
Dr David Chesler oversees the care in multiple nursing homes. When COVID-19 hit, ne needed a solution.
“Thank you for helping save my Dad’s Life.”
Marlin Baker was about to be placed on a ventilator when he began to go downhill rapidly, suffering from COVID-19. His daughter saw Dr. Pierre Kory’s Senate testimony and read about the I-MASK+ Protocol, and asked the intensive care doctor if he would put her father on ivermectin. The doctor agreed, and Marlin’s turnaround was rapid and quite astounding. He walked out of the hospital a few days later. This is the Bakers’ true story.
Dr. Pierre Kory NAILS IT about Ivermectin on The Doctors show!
So, YouTube, because they know better than we do, took down the original video! Do you believe that?!? A friend kindly found another link for me to it! However, it might get taken down as well. Amazing… These are sad times in which we live…
How Louis Gossett, Jr. conquered COVID-19
This is awesome…
Are veterinary Ivermectin products considered to be pharmacologically equivalent to human formulations and are these products safe for use?
From the FLCCC: Yes, the ivermectin in both formulations is pharmacologically equivalent, however there is a difference in the amount of impurities contained within each. The human formulations have highly regulated and thus very low levels of impurities. We cannot recommend veterinary formulations given the lack of safety data around their use, however we are…
If you have any doubts about Ivermectin, watch this!
This is really LONG and really NERDY, but it has great information! If you are on the fence about Ivermectin, watch this! Send this post to any doubting friends or family.
Frequently Asked Questions on Ivermectin from the FLCCC
Check out this FAQ on the FLCCC site. It answers MANY question!
How can I get a Doctors prescription for Ivermectin?
Looking for an online doctor to prescribe Ivermectin?
How Ivermectin works to stop COVID-19
This video is very long and nerdy, but is amazing and shows how Ivermectin works to stop COVID-19!!
How this family survived COVID-19 with Ivermectin
How this family survived COVID-19 with Ivermectin as shown on Episode 51 of the No Easy Way Out Podcast
Are You Sick With COVID-19, the Flu or a Cold?
While COVID-19, the flu and the common cold share many of the same symptoms, there are usually some differences in how these symptoms appear. For example, cold and COVID-19 symptoms may come on gradually over time, whereas the flu’s onset is usually sudden. A person with the flu develops symptoms 1 to 4 days after infection. A person with COVID-19 typically develops symptoms 5 days after being infected, but symptoms can appear as early as 2 days after infection or as late as 14 days after infection.
Is Ivermectin safe in pregnancy?
Here are several good articles on the topic. All of these take quite a bit of effort to digest, but are informative.
Women recovers after judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin for Covid-19 treatment
“This lady was on a ventilator, literally on her deathbed, before she was given this drug,” Lorigo told The Buffalo News about Smentkiewicz, a Cheektowaga resident. “As far as we’re concerned, the judge’s order saved this woman’s life.”
The NIH upgrades their recommendation on the use of Ivermectin for COVID-19 according to the FLCCC
NIH Revises Treatment Guidelines for Ivermectin for the Treatment of COVID-19.
Moderna CEO says the world will have to live with Covid ‘forever’
“Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel appeared to agree Wednesday that Covid-19 will become endemic, saying “SARS-CoV-2 is not going away.”
“We are going to live with this virus, we think, forever,” he said during a panel discussion at the JPMorgan Healthcare Conference.”
Getting coronavirus could protect against reinfection for at least 5 months: study
People with COVID-19 antibodies have an 83% less chance of infection, researchers found
Highly respected independent research group calls for immediate use of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19
“This review and meta-analysis confirms that ivermectin substantially reduces the risk of a person dying from COVID-19 by probably somewhere in the region of 65% to 92%.”
GREAT summary video on how Ivermectin is thought to work by Dr Mike Hansen
GREAT Ivermectin summary video by Dr Mike Hansen on April 9, 2020. Ivermectin is an FDA approved medication for parasitic infections. Ivermectin is widely available due to its inclusion on the WHO model list of essential medicines. It opens glutamate-sensitive chloride channel currents in helminths, and it is widely believed that this is how it…
COVID-19: The Ivermectin African Enigma
Nineteen countries in Africa treated with Ivermectin for parasitic worms showed significantly less deaths and infections of COVID-19 than the 35 countries in Africa that did NOT treat with Ivermectin.
“Overall, the reasons are not clear, yet present data suggests that a mass public health preventive campaign against COVID-19 may have taken place, inadvertently, in some African countries with massive community ivermectin use.”