“Immunity from Moderna Inc’s COVID-19 vaccine should last at least a year, the company said on Monday at the J.P. Morgan Healthcare conference.”
Tag: Covid-19
Here’s what another kind of Ivermectin looks like and tastes like
Here’s what the Bimectin veterinarian grade Ivermectin looks like. This amount is for a 130 pound person. The initial taste was a little apple like, but then turned to a very bitter taste.
Will the National Institutes of Health start listening about Ivermectin?
It looks like the National Institutes of Health COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel could finally start listening…
In Vitro and In Vivo
While reading, I came across several references to “in vitro” and “in vivo.” These are always used in reference to testing. Here is what I found: in vitro: performed or taking place in a test tube, culture dish, or elsewhere outside a living organism. in vivo: performed or taking place in a living organism. So,…
Most Michiganders a year away from getting vaccine according to COVID-19 vaccine schedule
According to the January 6, 2021 Michigan COVID-19 VaccinationInterim Prioritization Guidance, most of us Michigan residents, it seems will, not have access to the vaccine for most of the year. Ages 16-64, who did not get a vaccine in a previous phase, falls into the Phase 2 category. It’s nice to know there may be…
Immune support with vitamins in the I-MASK+ Protocol
So, I bought my family the vitamins as recommended in the FLCCC I-MASK+ protocol (as of 01/08/2021) as shown below. These will not be opened unless needed. Note, the QBC Plex has both Quercetin and Vitamin C. According to the FLCCC, the vitamins are used to boost and support your immune system while the Ivermectin…
Report after taking 2 doses of Ivermectin
I have now taken two doses of veterinarian grade Ivermectin as a “guinea pig” for my family. I took 1 dose on day 1 (01/05/2021) and another dose within 48 hours on day 3 (01/07/2021). The dose and the time spread are per the current FLCCC I-MASK+ Protocol. Other than tasting NASTY, I have had…
Sharing my information gathering on Ivermectin’s effectiveness as a prevention and treatment for COVID-19 – Part 3
My sole purpose of sharing this information is to be informed about a possible prevention and treatment for COVID-19 for my friends and family. Topics Covered: What products I bought and where I got them How I figured my specific dosage What I found about accuracy of dosage My first dose experience My dosage strategy. …
Sharing my information gathering on Ivermectin’s effectiveness as a prevention and treatment for COVID-19 – Part 2
My sole purpose of sharing this information is to be informed about a possible prevention and treatment for COVID-19 for my friends and family. Topics Covered: More compelling evidence including study details and safety of Ivermectin FDA and Ivermectin Ivermectin treatment and dosage protocol As promised, here is a follow up to Part 1 of…
Sharing my information gathering on Ivermectin’s effectiveness as a prevention and treatment for COVID-19 – Part 1
A close friend of mine told me today of how 3 of his family members are in some stage of having COVID-19 and how he had looked into methods of self-treatment as he watched his family suffer. Long story short, he discovered the medicine Ivermectin. After reviewing information on the internet he decided to purchase…
New to The Ivermectin Journal? START HERE!
The Ivermectin Journal started as a 3 part e-mail that I sent out to friends and family, sharing my information gathering on Ivermectin’s effectiveness as a prevention and treatment for COVID-19. Read these 3 blog posts to get a primer on Ivermectin