The “just gimme the facts!” version:
Nineteen countries in Africa treated with Ivermectin for parasitic worms showed significantly less deaths and infections of COVID-19 than the 35 countries in Africa that did NOT treat with Ivermectin.
“Overall, the reasons are not clear, yet present data suggests that a mass public health preventive campaign against COVID-19 may have taken place, inadvertently, in some African countries with massive community ivermectin use.“
The long version:
There is relative scarcity of COVID-19 in African countries. It is possible that a massive campaign started in 1989 to treat river blindness caused by parasites may be related. The World Health Organization (WHO) launched this campaign against Onchocerciasis in 19 African countries using Ivermectin. A study comparing the 19 African countries in the program with the 35 African countries that did NOT participate in the program. One group was exposed to massive community distribution of ivermectin while the other group of countries that were not so exposed to ivermectin.
Striking differences in COVID-19 were observed between the two groups. Both deaths and infections were significantly lower in ivermectin treated countries.
Overall, the reasons are not clear, yet present data suggests that a mass public health preventive campaign against COVID-19 may have taken place, inadvertently, in some African countries with massive community ivermectin use.