By Pierre Kory – Pierre Kory, MD is president and chief medical officer of the Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.
“Merck claims that molnupiravir is highly effective against COVID, reducing hospitalizations by 50 percent. But this unpublished data hasn’t been peer-reviewed yet. Compare that to ivermectin.Numerous studies have shown it can reduce COVID hospitalization and death rates. Health ministries outside the U.S. report up to 76% reduction in hospitalization and 88% reduction in deaths when ivermectin is deployed in early “test and treat” programs. Government officials in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, credit a program centered around the widespread use of ivermectin with the near total eradication of the disease.
This is a better track record of efficacy than Merck has even claimed—let alone proven—for its new drug.”